More Small Signal Tube Stock List

NOTICE: The tube prices in this catalog CANNOT be compared to others!! Each tube sold by VTS has been LABORIOUSLY auditioned, scrutinized, matched and pin polished by Andy Bowman in the V.T.S. Analog Laboratory using National Institute of Standards registered gear. (See the Testing Laboratory, and Six Things, etc...)

Tuner Tubes
Tuners are a special deal and for those of you dedicated to having a properly operating tuner or contemplating a restoration, V.T.S. can supply TRULY properly selected & prepared VINTAGE/DATE matched "Factory type" sets. Assembling these sets and chasing down every last obscure tube (made by the right company, at the right time) is a true BITCH! (expect to pay) However, I have assembled many custom sets over the years and have many many music lovers very happy with the flawless results.

Click here to access the stocklist table as a PDF

REMEMBER:  Free phone consultations!  Call Andy @ 616.454.3467