Audio Output Triodes Stock List

NOTICE: The tube prices in this catalog CANNOT be compared to others!! Each tube sold by VTS has been LABORIOUSLY auditioned, scrutinized, matched and pin polished by Andy Bowman in the V.T.S. Analog Laboratory using National Institute of Standards registered gear. (See the Testing Laboratory, and Six Things, etc...)

Think these prices are high? Try some of my many "Imitators"
RCA UX-250 at $550.00+ EACH!!!!!!
RCA 2A3 Regular, nothing-special pairs over $850.00!!!!!!
The JOKER strikes again!!!!!

Partial listing – more to come…..

NOTE: Because of the depth of the inventory, this is a partial stock list. Please call for current pricing and availability. Tubes are added regularly and the inventory changes so please call/email us if you have a specific need.

Click here to access the stocklist table as a PDF

REMEMBER:  Free phone consultations!  Call Andy @ 616.454.3467